Monthly Archives: November 2016

Mushroom People are spouting up everywhere!

I recently went to St. Petersburg to take my bestie Andrea out to lunch for her birthday.  She wanted me to meet the new store owners next to her shop.  Chuck and Jack of Urban Roots on Central.  The have an amazing plant/gift shop.  We were talking about my work and the possibility of selling my work there.  Chuck mentioned something about mushrooms being on trend and I had a flash of inspiration!  Mushroom People!

They have been sprouting in my kiln the last couple of day.  The response has been fantastic!


Here are my first two… I am holding them so you get an idea of the scale.

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And some more that have spouted in the last two days.  There will be more popping up in the future!

Flower Fairies and more Glassy Goodness!

Here is what I have been working on in Glass.  I started making glass stands from bent mandrels that I can no longer make beads on.  Lots of people love my work but don’t feel comfortable wearing it.  So her is my solution…. Collectables img_4513 img_4585 img_4648 img_4663 img_4685 img_4511

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I am still working away

It’s been another busy year for me.  I got to spend time with several of my Best Arty Friends in Seattle for some Amazing Watercolor classes at Daniel Smith.  The store is incredible!  My Mom and I had a wonderful time catching up with Bexs, Jane and Angus and on top of that met some absolutely gorgeous new friends!

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I was featured in the news!  It was all about my work with Beads of Courage!  I jumped at the chance to bring light to this cause.  Thank you Cheryl for thinking of me and contacting the station.  A huge thank you to Bobby Lewis from 10 News St. Pete for the absolutely amazing piece he put together.  I have added the link below.


I have also been selected as a Feature Artist for the Beads of Courage “Carry A Bead” Kits.  I have been having a blast coming up with funs designs.  I have started making Holiday themed kits which have been very popular.


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