Monthly Archives: May 2015

It’s been a whirlwind so far this year


Things seem to be going nonstop this year.  It started off with Visits from My Dad and StepMom from St John USVI!  Then my Mom and StepDad came for a visit.  Mom and I went to Oklahoma for a Faster EFT seminar.  It was fantastic.  I learned a lot about myself and what my triggers are and I am working on clearing them.  I also want to apply it to Art and Artists at some point.  My Art has grown tremendously since I started the whole “Tapping” process.  I am just amazed at all the differences.  We also took several of Dina Wakely’s Classes at Whim So Doodle but that is in another post so I won’t go into it again.


I have also been doing lots of vendor events and shows.  I was amazed when a friend told me she went over to one of her friends houses and told me they were watching my videos up on their big screen TV!  How cool is that!

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Then just last week Jane Davenport was in the US.  We met in Portland for an amazing three days!  We shopped till we dropped everyday ate when we could  and even managed to work in an Art Play Date with Ivy Newport and Robin Laws.  What an amazing trip!


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Now I am working on some large orders and coming up with new glass designs.  I need to clone myself so I can create more!


I have also made and sent over 100 Act of Courage Beads to the Beads of Courage program!

Here is some of my most recent ArtJournal Pages and Homework from the Class Beautiful Faces that I am taking at the moment.






Diana Rast (@dizzybead) • Instagram photos and videos

See Instagram photos and videos from Diana Rast (@dizzybead)

Source: Diana Rast (@dizzybead) • Instagram photos and videos